Thursday, April 30, 2009

Searching for God with U2: In the Name of Love

Week 3: When Love Comes To Town The love of God is the most powerful force on the earth to transform not only individuals but our communities. However, love is a word that's been so misused and lost lots of it's meaning. Discover the love of God in a fresh and challenging way!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Searching for God with U2: In the Name of Love

Week 2: I still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For

Some people have it all... nearly unlimited resources, relationships, great place to live and the perfect job. We look at Solomon, a man who had it all, and how he continued to search as he hadn't found what he was really looking for.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

GodSpeak: Learning to Listen

Week 3: Learning to Listen

How does God speak to us today?  Explore this question and why we often don't hear God when He is speaking to us!