Thursday, August 21, 2008

Love Serves - John 13:1-13

How selfless was Jesus on the night just hours before He would be betrayed, abandoned, rejected, falsely accused, beaten ,mocked, and crucified.
He had one final lesson He needed to convey to His followers who were still caught up in their own selfishness, comparison, and insensitivity. John tells us that Jesus showed them "the full extent of His love" by washing their feet.
If there were ever a time on earth when it should have been about Him, Jesus instead wraps a towel around His waist, gets on His knees and washes the grime, and dirt and dung off the disciples feet. Taking on Himself their filth was a picture of what He would sacrifice Himself for in the next twenty-four hours.
The lesson I take away is that the greatest way to show someone you love them is to serve. Marriages and relationships are broken because people stop serving and start measuring how much they are being served.
Companies and organizations fail because people stop serving others and only serve themselves. Nations and governments do the same because they forget one of the greatest lessons God came to earth to display, LOVE SERVES.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your note about serving makes me think of Romans 12 (the whole chapter) about sacrificing our bodies as an act of worship....the purpose of our lives.

We do have an example.

Liquid (Jars of Clay)

Arms nailed down,
are you telling me something?
Eyes turned out,
are you looking for someone?
This is the one thing,
The one thing that I know.
Blood-stained brow,
are you dying for nothing?
Flesh and blood,
is it so elemental?
This is the one thing,
The one thing that I know.
Blood-stained brow,
He wasn't broken for nothing.
Arms nailed down,
He didn't die for nothing.
This is the one thing,
The one thing that I know.