Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Stepping outside the comfort zone

As I read these passages last night, I was reminded of how much Christ gave up during his time on earth. It seems that oftentimes so much focus is made regarding his sacrifice on the cross, but his life up to that point had been an incredible sacrifice for man. He was willing to set aside his divine rights and become human to identify with our sins. All of this He did to serve God's will. The experience must have been terribly uncomfortable.

I looked back on my own life to identify those times that I felt compelled by God to step outside of my comfort zone and take part in something that would be difficult for me but ultimately proved so rewarding. Volunteering to serve during the summer sports camp was the first thought that came to my mind. Although I have two young children, I had no idea where I would be placed. Fear of a lack of sports knowledge almost prevented me from volunteering, but the rewards were worth listening to God's will. Karyn and I will be working with Life Kids this weekend and I have been reminded that if I am secure in my love and trust of Him that he wouldn't place me in a situation where I wouldn't be able to benefit a children's group and further His kingdom.

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